ReShade 4.6.1 Download for Windows
You are about to download ReShade, Version ( 4.6.1 ) for Windows.
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All you need to know about this download
- Version: 4.6.1
- Supported OS: Windows 2000, Vista, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
- File Name: ReShade_Setup_4.6.1.exe
- File Size: 2.6 MB
- ReShade 4.6.1 is scanned using 67 antivirus apps (Check VirusTotal Scan Report)
- After clicking on start download, this application will start downloading from Official Server
- The file is in its Orginal Form. Fileion does not bundle or repack or modify downloads in any way.
Change Log
ReShade for Windows Change Log
Checkout what's new in ReShade for Windows Version (4.6.1)
- Improved performance: Optimized for better performance, allowing the software to run more efficiently and with less impact on your gaming or video playback experience.
- Improved depth buffer detection: Includes improved depth buffer detection, which allows the software to better identify and use the depth buffer in games and programs. This can help to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of various filters and effects.
- New and updated effects: Includes several new and updated effects, such as the new "Adaptive Sharpen" effect, which can help to sharpen images without introducing artifacts, and the updated "LumaSharpen" effect, which now includes more options for fine-tuning.
- Improved UI: The user interface of Reshade 4.6 has been improved to make it more user-friendly and intuitive. It also includes a new layout which makes it easier to navigate and access the various settings and options.
- Improved compatibility: Improved compatibility with a wide range of games and programs, including newer games and programs that use the latest graphics APIs such as DirectX 12 and Vulkan.
- Improved support for ray tracing: Improved support for games and programs that use ray tracing, which can help to improve the visual quality of these games and programs.
- New and improved documentation: Includes new and improved documentation, which can help users to better understand how to use the software and get the most out of it.